Learn More About WAPpots

Handmade pots thrown on the potter’s wheel, since the early 1970’s

The Story Behind WAP

I started throwing pots in the early 1970”s, then took a 45 year break to raise a family and operate a family business. In 2018, approaching a semi-retired status in our business, I rekindled my interest in ceramics with a wheel throwing course during a summer week at the Chautauqua Institution in New York state. That hooked me, and subsequent courses at the Sawtooth School for Visual Arts in Winston Salem followed and continue. Joining the Fat Cat Potter Studio in Wilmington, NC, added immensely to my exposure to talented potters, new techniques, and challenging ideas. Splitting my time between the Sawtooth and the Fat Cat really means getting the best of both worlds and cultures. What a fantastic avocation this has become.

In designing and making my pots, the focus is on both aesthetics and utility. My preference is for strong, rich color and luster. I love making a variety of pots from simple mugs, to bowls and platters, to vases, to flower pots and planters, And, I love the challenge of something new and different or simply where the clay takes me.

If you are wondering about the origin of WAP, my middle name is Archer, thus the initials WAP. I hope you enjoy what you see.

Bill Parsley

or as my dear wife, Ellen, calls me:
WAP …..(pronounced “app” with a W in front!)